Manchester News Nov/Dec 2015

(This newletter is on our website and can be translated)

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Thank you to all families who supported this chocolate fundraiser.  Our profit for the school is over 10,000 dollars.   These funds support student learning by helping out with the cost of trips, assembly speakers, planners and technology in the school.  A huge thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan for organizing this fundraiser.

Through the efforts of our Cambridge Bingo funds, we have been able to replenish our books for our Home Reading Program in grades K-3.


Lates and Absences

Please call our attendance line if you know that your child will be absent at   519-570-8106 ext. 3510.

If your child is late, there will need to come to the office to sign in and receive a late slip for entry into their classroom.


Kindergarten Students

All Kindergarten students must have adult handoff to school, after school and to and from the bus.  Adults must be at the bus stop. If not, the driver is instructed to return the student to the school. Please ensure this close supervision for the safety of your children.


Severe Weather Conditions

Please see the attached Severe Weather information for  announcements related to bussing and school closures.


Winter Weather

As the winter draws near, please ensure that your children have winter coats, boots, snowpants, hats and warm mittens.  If you are doing some cleaning out of clothes, we would gladly accept donations of the above items for others in need.  Thank you.


Travel to School


We recognize that driving is extremely problematic.  We encourage all

families who must drive to park on Norfolk Avewhere parking is permitted and students can walk safely across the railway tracks with a crossing guard and up to the school.  This way, Roxboro  Rd. is not as congested and our buses can enter and exit safely as well as all walking students. We also suggest that parents park at Fresh. Co and walk along Dundas to avoid further congestion and parking tickets.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher interviews were held on Fri Nov 13th.  As always, please call the school and speak to your child’s teacher directly for open communication.

Nutrition for Learning

Our “Nutrition for Learning” program enables students to have healthy snacks at break time.  In previous years, we have had funding for this program.  This year, we have to help to fund the program.  We have chosen to do so through our pizza sales.  Once every few months, you will notice that on the bottom of your child’s pizza order form, there will be a note stating that the month’s sales of pizza will go directly back into “Nutrition for Learning.”


Safety Patrols

We are fortunate to have students who act as safety patrols outside before and after school.  Please support them by asking your children to cross the driveway where they are located.


Indigo Grant Update

Classroom teachers have started to purchase books for their classroom library as well as for the entire school through our library clerk, Mrs. Burtt.  We are so fortunate to have received this grant from Indigo for a total of $84,000!

Dates to Remember

Fri. Dec, 18th-Last Day of school for students before Winter Break