October 31st, 2020
Region of Waterloo Public Health has confirmed that a student at Manchester Public School, last in the building on October 26, has tested positive for COVID-19. The identity of the individual is protected by privacy legislation and will not be shared.
Public Health has identified all high-risk contacts of the positive case and will provide individual guidance to them. High-risk contacts included some staff members who have been notified and a student cohort who have all been directed to self-isolate and will be able to return to school on November 9.
If you are not contacted by Region of Waterloo Public Health, your child is not considered a high-risk contact.
We will continue to take direction from Public Health and will provide further updates as necessary.
Communicating with WRDSB families, students and staff is a guiding principle of our Return to School plans. In accordance with guidance from the Ministry of Education, the Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 page will be updated on an ongoing basis with information regarding confirmed cases of COVID-19 involving a student or staff member in a school setting.
Please continue to self-screen (using the COVID-19 School Screening Tool) and monitor your health daily, practice hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and other infection control and prevention measures. If you experience symptoms consistent with COVID-19, access the COVID-19 Self-Assessment on the Public Health website and follow the direction given.
We thank you for your continued support during this time.